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  • 发布时间:2021-09-11
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张昆,女,讲师,2016年于加州大学伯克利分校进行为期一年的联合培养,2017年毕业于南京大学物理学院获物理学博士学位,同年受聘bet356亚洲体育官网入口青年卓越人才。主要从事微纳光子学方向的研究,研究内容主要包括微纳光学结构中光子与激子的相互作用、超构材料、表面等离激元等,近年来在Applied Physics Letters、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Physical Review B 等SCI 杂志发表论文28篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项、山东省自然科学基金1项、国家重点实验室开放课题2项。


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 11804178, 金属-介质-半导体复合微纳结构中光子-激子强耦合的动态调控, 2019-01至2021-12, 在研, 主持

(2) 山东省自然科学基金委员会, 博士基金项目, ZR2018BA027, 微纳光学结构中光子与激子相互作用及其应用的研究, 2018-03至2020-12, 结题, 主持

(3) 南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题,M34009 超构表面中多模式强耦合及其动态调控的研究,2021.7-2023.6,在研,主持

(4) 南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题,M31003,掺杂有机半导体的微结构中光子-激子强耦合的动态调控,2018.6-2020.5,结题(优秀),主持


1. K. Zhang*, Y. Liu, S. Li, F. Xia, and W. Kong, "Actively tunable bi-functional metamirror in a terahertz band", Optics Letters 46(3), 464-467 (2021).

2. K. Zhang*, Y. Liu, F. Xia, S. Li, and W. Kong, "Tuning of the polariton modes induced by longitudinal strong coupling in the graphene hybridized DBR cavity", Optics Letters 45(13), 3669-3672 (2020).

3. J. Zhang, K. Zhang*, A. Cao, Y. Liu, and W. Kong*, "Bi-functional switchable broadband terahertz polarization converter based on a hybrid graphene-metal metasurface", Optics Express 28(18), 26102-26110 (2020).

4. A. L. Cao, K. Zhang*, J. R. Zhang, Y. Liu, and W. J. Kong*, "Actively tunable polarization-sensitive multiband absorber based on graphene", Chinese Physics B 29(11), 114205 (2020).

5. Y. Cheng, K. Zhang*, Y. Liu, S. Li, and W. Kong*, "Actively mode tunable electromagnetically induced transparency in a polarization-dependent terahertz metamaterial", AIP Advances 10(4), 045026 (2020).

6. C. Li, K. Zhang*, Y. Zhang, Y. Cheng, and W. Kong*, "Large-range wavelength tunable guided-mode resonance filter based on dielectric grating", Optics Communications 437, 271-275 (2019).

7. K. Zhang, T. Y. Chen, W. B. Shi, C. Y. Li, R. H. Fan, Q. J. Wang, R. W. Peng*, and M. Wang*, "Polarization-dependent strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons and excitons in an organic-dye-doped nanostructure", Optics Letters 42(14), 2834-2837 (2017).

8. K. Zhang, W. B. Shi, D. Wang, Y. Xu, R. W. Peng*, R. H. Fan, Q. J. Wang, and M. Wang*, "Couple molecular excitons to surface plasmon polaritons in an organic-dye-doped nanostructured cavity", Applied Physics Letters 108(19), 193111 (2016).

9. K. Zhang; Y. Xu, T. Y.g Chen, H. Jing, W. B. Shi, B. Xiong, R. W. Peng*, and M. Wang*, "Multimode photon-exciton coupling in an organic-dye-attached photonic quasicrystal", Optics Letters 41(24), 5740-5743 (2016).

10. K. Zhang, C. Wang, L. Qin, R. W. Peng*, D. H. Xu, X. Xiong, and M. Wang*, "Dual-mode electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in a terahertz metamaterial", Optics Letters 39(12), 3539-3542 (2014).




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